Memoirs of Refugees

This section has been divided into two categories: Articles about Diana and Memoirs of Refugees.
Links within Publications section:
Articles about Diana
Memoirs of Refugees


Memoirs of Refugees includes the memoirs of four refugees of the Armenian Genocide who traveled across Siberia to Japan, where they were helped by Diana Apcar. Included in this section are: Memoir, the Story of my Life, by Krikor Z. Yeghoyan, 1952; Memoir, My Autobiography, by Kachadur Bogossian; Memoir, Days that must never be Forgotten; the life of a national activist, by Hovaness DerHovanessian, 1974; and Memoir, Anooshavan, the Intrepid Survivor, by Bob Der Mugrdechian, 1995. All four memoirs are REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION.

Memoir, The Story of my Life.
By Krikor Z. Yeghoyan, 1952.

Memoir, My Autobiography.
By Kachadur Bogossian.

Memoir, Days that must never be forgotten. Life of a national activist.
By Hovaness DerHovanessian, 1974.

Memoir, Anooshavan, The Intrepid Survivor.
By Bob Der Mugrdechian, 1995.