Diana’s Writings
Diana Agabeg Apcar was a prolific writer, whose works took many forms. We have divided her works into five categories: Articles, Book Covers, Books, Poems, and Quotes, to facilitate access to this web site. This collection is by far not complete, as we continue to search for her writings.
Links within Diana’s Writings section:
Book Covers
Articles includes a sampling of Diana’s submissions to a variety of newspapers around the world, including: The New York Times, The Japan Gazette, The Japan Advertiser, The Far East, and Hayrenik. The first of these articles, What Follows?, was not published; the rejection letter from the Japan Advertiser is included.
Book Covers illustrates different covers, title pages and illustrations from six of Diana’s books, including, Susan, Home Stories of the War, Betrayed Armenia, In His Name, The Peace Problem, and Peace and No Peace.
Books provides the original text in PDF format from the same six publications illustrated in Book Covers: Susan, Home Stories of the War, Betrayed Armenia, In His Name, The Peace Problem, and Peace and No Peace.
Poems provides the text for three poems: God Save Armenia, Armenia, and America! Armenia calls to Thee. The poems, while written in English, were translated into Japanese and Armenian.
Quotes provides selections from Diana’s books which we consider particularly interesting, as they summarize key concepts or ideas.