Many thanks to the following key contributors:
Dr. Meline Mesropyan recently completed her PhD degree at Tohoku University in Japan, on Diana Agabeg Apcar. She has discovered and forwarded documents she has found in Japanese archives, relevant to our story, and shared her research with us. She has been an invaluable resource, and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Ara Ghazarians, Curator, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Arlington, MA has shared numerous documents with us from the foundation extensive collection on Diana Apcar, including: official letters, personal letters, encyclicals, certificates, passports, articles and publications. Additionally, Dr. Ghazarians has written several articles about Diana Apcar, which he has shared with us. Images from the Armenian Cultural Foundation collection are labeled ACF. He was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Artsvi Bakhchinyan, philologist and historian, has written a short book on DAA. He consults with us on this project from Armenia, prepares translations to and from Armenian, and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Lucille Apcar who shared her memories of her grandmother, Diana Apcar, and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Rev. Fr. Mesrop Ash consulted with us on religious references in Diana’s writings and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Stephan Astourian, Executive Director of the Armenian Studies Program and Assistant Adjunct Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley, was interviewed for the documentary film.
Bryan Bedrosian has shared his great-grandfather’s memoir with us: The Story of my Life by Krikor Z. Yeghoyan. He was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Barlow Der Mugrdechian has shared his grandfather’s memoir with us: Anooshavan: The Intrepid Survivor by Bob Der Mugrdechian, and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Peter Garabedian, grand nephew of genocide survivor, Yeghsa Khachadourian (aided by Mrs. Apcar), was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Flora A. Keshgegian, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Graduate Theological Union (retired June 2014), Berkeley, CA, daughter of genocide survivor, Garabed Keshgegian (aided by Mrs. Apcar), was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Hasmik Khalapyan, lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Yerevan State University, Armenia, was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Khatchig Mouradian is a visiting assistant professor at Rutgers University and the coordinator of the Armenian Genocide Program at the university’s Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights (CGHR), and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Hideharu Nakajima, president of the Japan-Armenia Friendship Association, was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Grant Pogosyan, Armenian Ambassador in Japan, shared Diana Apcar’s letter of appointment as “Honorary Consul” with us, and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Monica Simonian, diplomat at the Armenian Embassy in Japan, was interviewed for the documentary film.
Daisaku Watanabe, secured documents from the Japanese Foreign Ministry about Diana Apcar, and was interviewed for the documentary film.
Dr. Keith David Watenpaugh, Associate Professor of Modern Islam, Human Rights and Peace at the University of California, Davis, was interviewed for the documentary film.
Denise Apcar shared her grandmother’s story with us: Diana Apcar: little mother to a nation by Araxe Apcar. She also shared a family video with us, which she produced in 1999.
Mary Kandalian-Aslanian translated pages of Days that must Never be Forgotten: life of a national activist by Hovaness DerHovanessian, from Armenian into English for us.
Melania Baghdasaryan transcribed the Japanese and translated into English Hideharu Nakajima’s interview.
Gohar Barseghyan, artist, producer, and promoter, assisted in the beginning stages of development of this project.
Christyne Davidian shared her great uncle’s memoir with us: My Autobiography by Khachig-Kachadur Bogossian.
Diana DerHovanessian shared her father’s memoir with us: Days that must Never be Forgotten: life of a national activist by Hovaness DerHovanessian.
Azzie Mekhitarian and Yerevan Magazine shared her article on Diana Apcar, “A Powerhouse in the Orient.”
Toma Mironova contributed her time and energy to create the sketches of the previous Diana Apcar website.
Jason Rosenberg consults with us on social media issues.