Apcar Family Tree
This section includes a variety of documents from various sources , including The Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and the Armenian Cultural Foundation in Arlington, MA, the majority of which are letters.
Links within Documents section:
Apcar Family Tree
Armenian Travelers from Yokohama to San Francisco
Correspondence with the American Red Cross
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan
Near East Relief
Peace Foundations
Personal Documents
Apcar Family Tree shows a beautiful illustration of the family tree, starting with Agazar Apcar who was born in 1754. It is important to note that the tree only identifies the male heirs of the family; no women, whether a direct descendant or descendant by marriage are shown on this tree. As such, Diana Agabeg Apcar is not on this tree; however, her husband, Apcar Michael Apcar and her son, Michael Apcar are shown.
Andrew Greene had the tree translated and formatted the genealogy of the tree into a PDF document, with some additions.